OKR são fundamentais para os projetos

Why are OKRs important?

The acronym OKR may not mean anything to you, but we guarantee you’ve come across it in your life. Especially if you deal with team management or are part of one. In fact, we go even further and suggest that even in a college assignment you will have dealt with OKRs. Your own career, and […]
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Gestão de equipas

Team management: 7 useful apps for your phone

The principles of team management are universal, meaning that they apply to all organisations, whether large or small, public or private, for-profit or not-for-profit. In fact, it is useful to use In the current globalisation environment, all organisations have to value human resources as they are to be the main source of competitive advantage. In […]
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Gestão de Projetos

7 Key Principles of Project Management in 2023

Project management has evolved from a set of recommendable processes to a methodology taken as mandatory for the survival of the company. Today, every business, including routine activities, can be understood as a series of projects. In today’s article we will show you the fundamental principles of project management that will most affect your team […]
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quoficiente emocional e de inteligência e o equilibrio necessário para ser um bom líder

Pillars of Emotional Intelligence for Leaders

From a leader you ask for control. At operational or communication level, for example. However, a leader is also required to have control over his emotions. After all, it is the basis of the person under whom the responsibilities of certain projects are placed. In fact, an imbalance in the field of emotions can have […]
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Work Life Balance

Work Life balance

The rush of everyday life increasingly challenges Work Life Balance. That is, the balance between life in and out of work. Indeed, along with the responsibilities of work there are duties in personal life that challenge a person’s well-being, and there is little space for them to take care of themselves. That is why it […]
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